Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lookin' UP!!!

Overall, this week has made me stressed, exhausted, cranky, confused, busy, and sore. Sometimes I feel as if I am drowning in my responsibilities. I can't get a grip on everything I need to get done. I'm unmotivated. Lazy. I feel out of touch with school. Home. God. As I lay here on my couch, pile of homework on the floor, dirty laundry in a basket, and agenda full of duties I should have done 3 days ago, squandering in my failure to accomplish everything, Jesus meets me. He meets me in the unexpected....He meets me in a surprisingly warm day. A game of HORSE. A new friend. A good song that stays in your head all day.

If I have learned anything in my college career, it's that no matter how sad.mad.hurt.depressed.alone.happy.peaceful.frustrated.broken I feel, God is there. Because God is not a feeling. And he doesn't not draw near to us because of how we are feeling. He walks with us. He hurts with us. He laughs with us. He IS with us. 24 hours a day. 365 days a year. And all the time in between.

So in your times of confusion, as you enter mid-terms and the heat of the semester, rather than looking at the massive amount of things that seem impossible to accomplish, look up. Look up because you have a great, big God smiling back down at you.

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