Thursday, September 9, 2010

"I am coming undone"

What does it mean to follow Christ? Really? David Crowder says it perfectly in his song "You are my Joy." He says when the Holy Spirit's fire is burning within us, we "come undone." To come undone, we have to DIE. Not a physical death, but a spiritual death. The past week or so, there has been a constant theme of total surrender showing up around every corner in my life, whether it be sermons I hear, verses I read, songs I sing, or evidence I see in people's lives around me. And the more I am exposed to this idea of surrender, the more I am finding the peace it brings to my soul to know that my heart belongs to the Lord. But I am also learning that total surrender is not a one time thing that soon becomes a memory. It's a conscious, daily decision. There are so many situations in my life that I would love to take into my own hands, people I would love to make decisions for to make my life easier, and problems I want to solve my way, on my time. But that is not what I am supposed to do. Instead, God is placing me in a position where I have to make a decision. Every morning when I get out of bed, I have to decide. Is today going to be captained by Brittany or the Almighty. Days captained by Brittany rarely turn out well, (in case you were wondering) and these days I often go to sleep discouraged, frustrated, and spiritually starved. God doesn't just come into our lives one time at church camp and then give us a cheesecake of a life for the rest of eternity. No. When we make a decision to accept and follow Christ, we are committing to a daily death to ourselves so that we can serve Him and HIS ways, not our own. I'm not sure if this applies to anyone else right now, but it's something I have been dealing heavily with. Just taking my death grip off of my life and letting God take me and mold me into His plan rather than mine. It's not always easy or fun necessarily to step out into the unknown that is sometimes the will of God, but I can say that when I allow Him to have his way with my life, I end up more blessed and refreshed than I ever dreamed I would have been at the beginning. So with that, I challenge you, my friends and fellow siblings in Christ, that from now on when you wake up in the morning, start making conscious decisions to allow yourself to die, and God to take you on the wild adventure that is the Christian walk.


Anonymous said...

Brittany, I love your dedication, devotion, and passion for Christ. You are bold about your faith and an example to many - including me. I really enjoy reading your inner thoughts spilling out onto your blog. I am proud to know you.

Courtney said...

wise words my friend :)