Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ahhh..snow, ice, freezing temperatures, and mountains of homework that actually have set due dates. Its, um, good to be back in America? Some days I'm less than enthusiastic about being back in the states. Bring me back that wonderful tropical weather, Omega blasting from next door, and yes, I'd even go for some mangu right about now.

But honestly, the transition continues. And not necessarily in a negative way. Each day I wake up in this country, I seem to remember, appreciate, or learn something new about my Dominican experience. It was hard to miss some of the lessons when I was carrying them out, and now that I have a chance to reflect and focus on what happened,God continues to reveal new truths about Himself and what he wants me to be.

Balance is so hard. So much of me is still stuk in Dominican mode. Schedule-free and wonderful. Unfortunatel enough, that doesnt fly in American college. So it's been a constant struggle to actually make myself sit down and do my homework. I would much rather be socializing...or doing anything really. It's harder than ever to really put my heart into my studies when its floating around elsewhere, even though studying is essentially the point of being in college. But I guess this is all part of the readjusting process, I just need to relax and go with the flow. God has it under control...

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